Model Composer#


This use-case prompted the development of model-composer:

  • You have two tensorflow models, one trained on weekday data and one trained on weekend data

  • You would like to compose a single tensorflow model that can be used to generate predictions for any day of the week.

  • You want the composed model to be natively defined in tensorflow - i.e. a single “computational graph” that can be easily loaded and used to make predictions.

  • You want a single composed model becasuse:

    • It is easier to maintain than having to implement the logic to compose the models in every service that needs to make predictions.

    • It ensures the performance of the composed model will remain consistent with a native tensorflow model of a similar complexity.

    • It is easier to deploy a single model than multiple models


The official documentation is hosted on ReadTheDocs:


Using pip:

pip install model-composer


Make use of extras to install the model composer implementations that you need:

pip install model-composer[tensorflow]  # compose tensorflow models
pip install model-composer[cloudpathlib]  # load models from cloud storage
pip install model-composer[all]  # all extras

Quick start#

Declare your composed model in a yaml file which defines the components and how they should be composed.

yaml title="example.yaml" name: "ride_share_pricing" components:   - name: weekday_model     path:     type: tensorflow     where:       input: is_weekday       operator: eq       value: true   - name: weekend_model     path:     type: tensorflow     where:       input: is_weekday       operator: eq       value: false

Each component needs to have the following properties: - name: The name of the component model - path: The path to the component model on disk - type: The type of the component model. - where: The condition at which the component model should be used.

We build the weekend model and save it to disk.

import tensorflow as tf

# Build the weekend model
weekend_model = tf.keras.Sequential([
    tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(1,), name="distance"),
    tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, name="price")

weekend_model.compile(optimizer="adam", loss="mse")
    x={"distance": tf.convert_to_tensor([10, 20], dtype=tf.float32)},
    y=tf.convert_to_tensor([10, 20], dtype=tf.float32),

We build the weekday model and save it to disk.

# Build the weekday model
weekday_model = tf.keras.Sequential([
    tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(1,), name="distance"),
    tf.keras.layers.Dense(1, name="price")

weekday_model.compile(optimizer="adam", loss="mse")
    x={"distance": tf.convert_to_tensor([10, 20], dtype=tf.float32)},
    y=tf.convert_to_tensor([5, 10], dtype=tf.float32),

# Save the models"")

We can now build our composed model from the example yaml spec.

import tensorflow as tf
from model_composer import TensorflowModelComposer

composed_model = TensorflowModelComposer().from_yaml("example.yaml")

assert isinstance(composed_model, tf.keras.Model)"")

loaded_model = tf.keras.models.load_model("")

  "is_weekday": tf.convert_to_tensor([True, False], dtype=tf.bool),
  "distance": tf.convert_to_tensor([10, 20], dtype=tf.float32)


  • Support for more ML frameworks:

    • PyTorch

    • Scikit-learn

Indices and tables#